Are Diet Sodas Making You Fat?

Americans consume a lot of high-sugar beverages, so you would think that replacing those beverages with non-caloric diet drinks would help people lose weight. Not so according to nutrition experts.  In fact, many studies show that diet drinks have the opposite effect.

Recent studies published in Diabetes Care and Obesity show that diet soda drinkers have a substantially higher risk of becoming obese, developing type 2 diabetes, and suffering from the complications caused by metabolic syndrome.

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At the end of a 10-year study conducted by the University of Texas, researchers found that the waist circumference of diet soda drinkers was significantly larger than subjects who abstained from diet drinks.

These aren’t the only studies highlighting the risks of sugar-substituted drinks.  Other studies have positively correlated a daily diet soda habit to a higher risk for stroke and heart attack.  And UK researchers recently found that diet sodas can dull the taste buds which, in turn, cause people to crave even more sweets.

Switching to diet drinks has not proven to be a good weight loss strategy.  In fact, studies indicate that habitually consuming sugar-substituted drinks can lead to abnormal weight gain.


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